Friday, December 21, 2007


爸爸去冰厨拿MILO & M M CHOCOLATE时,哥哥看到就哭着要吃,但又不敢跟爸爸拿,我就叫他去跟爸爸说sorry,他就是不肯,真得很固执。

Friday, December 14, 2007

Nickson 6 Months Old's Development

Wei Yeh
Months : 6 months old
Weight : I think should be over 9.5kgs (when 5 months's old weight is 9.2kg)
- Still fully breat milk. Started eating 1st cereal on Wednesday (12/12), now eating 2 times of cereal per day (4 tea spoon). He like it very much, sometimes not enough for him, I bought Nestle Brown Rice & Rice Cereal. Like to eat Apple.
- Sitting up on his own if we place him at the Fisher-price rocking chair.
- Like to making bubbles (started since 3 months+)
- know his name, when we call "Wei Yeh" he know it and can smile to us.
- Nap for 3 times a day, each time about 1 to 2 hours. At night sometimes can sleep thourgh the night (at least 6 hours without feeding)
- Must feed before sleep.
- can rolling over from his back to his front, or vice versa
- can move himself by using his hand, tummy & leg.
- cant sleep baby cot already coz not enough space for him to move.
- like to scream, and sometimes can "blar...blar...anggugu..."
- like people carry him to walk around.
- very attach to me especially at night.
- When we hold him and letting him balance his feet on our thighs, he'll bounce up and down.

Annual Concert & Graduation Day

On 9/12/2007 is wilson pre-school Annual Concert & Graduation Day.
Wilson have participate 1 show at the concert. For parents, we are very happy and this is the 1st time he's on stage.
The Concert is held at Komtar Dome 5th Floor, it start at 2.00pm but wilson need to reach there before 1pm.
On 12.30pm I feed him lunch but he refuse to eat, he say he still full, so I "ta pao" fish ball for him bring to the concert.
When we arrive Komtar, it's about 12.55pm already, then daddy drop us at the entrance Maybank that side and me & wilson go up 1st, cause we scared it will late.
When he arrive there he is stil very happy, but when we reach 5th floor, the lift door open, he start to cry and scream and say don't want to go. Then I need to carry him and force him to go.
After I see the teacher, the teacher quickly carry him go inside the stage. I think may be he is feel sleepy already, that's why he cries & scream.
When the concert start, all the children will come to stage and sing "Negaraku", when he come out and saw me he started to cry again (the teacher after that told me I shouldn't sit so infront, I sit on the 3rd row centre), then the teacher quickly carry him to the back stage, so when people sing negaraku and his not around.
At that time I started to worry that don't know later he can dance or not.
When his show time, luckly he not cry and can dance already.
Here's the video clip on the concert.

He is dance "Little Bees"(小蜜蜂)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wilson 3rd Birthday

Today is Wilson 3 years old's Birthday, Me & Daddy bought him a chicken little cake that choosing by himself. He celebrate the birthday at School.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Nickson - my 3rd day

Nickson & His Chia Ming Ah Yi (3rd Day)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

labour video (deliver nickson)

This is a back dated post.

The above is the short video clip when nickson come to to world at Gleneagles Medical Centre, Penang.

When I deliver wilson on the year 2004, that time we forget to bring camera to hospital, so we don;t have any picture of wilson when he's new born. We need to say sorry to Wilson about this.

Labour Story - Continue


Labour story for Nickson (Wei Yeh)

This Blog I will use Chinese to write. Sorry for those mum that cant read Chinese Word.

BB Name : Chew Wei Yeh 周威烨
BB D.O.B : 13/06/2007
BB Weight : 3.4kg
在威烨回家的第3天,我带他回医院检查,医生说有黄所以要住院照灯,共住了3天,很不幸的在威烨住院的那天晚上,因不知BB没有吸奶的话我们要每三小时挤奶,所以晚上11点多时乳房胀得很痛,用包菜,热袋也没有办法减轻,要挤也挤不出来,就想到吃PANADOL, 吃了药后还是一样,因外面也下大雨所以不能到医院喂,到了半夜3点多痛到不能忍了,就打电话到医院问护士下个喂奶时间是几时,通知他们不要喂奶,我会到医院去,就这样不理外面下雨,自己4点多驾车去医院,喂后才轻松一点,然后因是礼拜天,接下来就没3小时就去医院喂,晚上就在家挤奶,真的没有什麽休息到。